A database register is developed, implemented, maintained and verified on a regular basis.
Database register
Applicable to
Dec 2022
A database register is developed, implemented, maintained and verified on a regular basis.
Existing controls relating to the maintenance of registers were amended to ensure registers are developed and implemented in the first instance.
Mar 2022
A database register is maintained and verified on a regular basis.
Due to the confusing use of audit terminology, references to ‘audited’ have been changed to ‘verified’. For example, an ICT equipment register is verified (rather than audited) on a regular basis. This will allow security personnel, or other suitable parties, to conduct such activities rather than having to rely on the use of an organisation’s internal auditors.
Aug 2019
A database register is maintained and regularly audited.
Security control 1243 was modified to refer explicitly to a database register.
Jul 2019
An accurate inventory of all databases and their contents is maintained and regularly audited.
An accurate inventory of all deployed databases and their contents should be maintained andregularly audited.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
Agencies should maintain and regularly audit an accurate inventory of all deployed databasesand their contents.