A cable register is developed, implemented, maintained and verified on a regular basis.
Cable register
Applicable to
Dec 2022
A cable register is developed, implemented, maintained and verified on a regular basis.
Existing controls relating to the maintenance of registers were amended to ensure registers are developed and implemented in the first instance.
Mar 2022
A cable register is maintained and verified on a regular basis.
Due to the confusing use of audit terminology, references to ‘audited’ have been changed to ‘verified’. For example, an ICT equipment register is verified (rather than audited) on a regular basis. This will allow security personnel, or other suitable parties, to conduct such activities rather than having to rely on the use of an organisation’s internal auditors.
Jan 2021
A cable register is maintained and regularly audited.
Security control 0211 was moved from under the ‘cable inspections’ topic heading to the ‘cable register’ topic heading and modified to ensure consistent language with similar security controls such as 0336, 1493, 1243, 1301 and 1637 relating to registers for ICT assets.
Dec 2020
Cables are inspected for inconsistencies with the cable register at least annually.
May 2020
Cables are inspected for inconsistencies with the cable register at least annually.
Security control 0211 was amended to provide guidance on a suitable frequency for the inspection of inconsistencies between cabling and the cable register.
Apr 2020
Cables are inspected for inconsistencies with the cable register in accordance with the frequency defined in a system’s System Security Plan.
Agencies should inspect cables for inconsistencies with the cable register in accordance withthe frequency defined in the SSP.
Agencies should inspect cables for inconsistencies with the cable register in accordance with the frequencydefined in the SSP.
Agencies should inspect cables for inconsistencies with the cable register on a regular basis.