
IT equipment is hardened using ASD and vendor hardening guidance, with the most restrictive guidance taking precedence when conflicts occur.

Hardening IT equipment configurations
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Jun 2024
IT equipment is hardened using ASD and vendor hardening guidance, with the most restrictive guidance taking precedence when conflicts occur.
References to ICT equipment were amended to IT equipment.
Dec 2023
ICT equipment is hardened using ASD and vendor hardening guidance, with the most restrictive guidance taking precedence when conflicts occur.
The existing control relating to ICT equipment being hardened using ASD and vendor hardening guidance was amended to recommend that the most restrictive guidance take precedence when conflicts occur.
Sep 2023
ICT equipment is hardened using ASD and vendor hardening guidance.
References to ‘ACSC’ were replaced with ‘ASD’.
Sep 2023
ICT equipment is hardened using ASD and vendor hardening guidance.
The existing control covering hardening of ICT equipment was reworded to ensure consistency of language with similar controls.
Jun 2023
ACSC and vendor hardening guidance for ICT equipment is implemented.
A new control was added covering the implementation of ACSC and vendor hardening guidance for ICT equipment.