A denial of service response plan for video conferencing and IP telephony services contains the following: • how to identify signs of a denial-of-service attack • how to identify the source of a denial-of-service attack • how capabilities can be maintained during a denial-of-service attack • what actions can be taken to respond to a denial-of-service attack.
Denial of service response plan
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Dec 2022
A denial of service response plan for video conferencing and IP telephony services contains the following:
• how to identify signs of a denial-of-service attack
• how to identify the source of a denial-of-service attack
• how capabilities can be maintained during a denial-of-service attack
• what actions can be taken to respond to a denial-of-service attack.
The existing control relating to denial of service response plans for video conferencing and IP telephony, including their contents, was separated into two controls [ISM-1019, ISM-1805].