
A managed service register is developed, implemented, maintained and verified on a regular basis.

Managed services
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Dec 2022
A managed service register is developed, implemented, maintained and verified on a regular basis.
Existing controls relating to the maintenance of registers were amended to ensure registers are developed and implemented in the first instance.
Mar 2022
A managed service register is maintained and verified on a regular basis.
Managed service providers manage the services of an organisation on their behalf. This may include application services, authentication services, backup services, cloud services, desktop services, enterprise mobility services, gateway services, hosting services, network services, procurement services, security services, support services, and many other business-related services. In doing so, managed service providers may manage services from their customers’ premises or their own premises. In considering security risks associated with managed services, an organisation should consider all managed service providers that have access to their facilities, systems or data.