
Outsourced cloud service providers and their non-classified, OFFICIAL: Sensitive, PROTECTED and SECRET cloud services undergo an IRAP assessment, using the latest release of the ISM available prior to the beginning of the IRAP assessment (or a subsequent release), at least every 24 months.

Assessment of outsourced cloud service providers
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret


Dec 2024
Outsourced cloud service providers and their non-classified, OFFICIAL: Sensitive, PROTECTED and SECRET cloud services undergo an IRAP assessment, using the latest release of the ISM available prior to the beginning of the IRAP assessment (or a subsequent release), at least every 24 months.
The existing control recommending that managed service providers and their managed services undergo a security assessment by an IRAP assessor at least every 24 months was amended to specify that this recommendation relates to non-classified, OFFICIAL: Sensitive, PROTECTED and SECRET managed services. In addition, the recommendation was amended to specify that the latest release of the ISM available prior to the beginning of the IRAP assessment (or a subsequent release) needs to be used.
Jun 2022
Outsourced cloud service providers and their cloud services undergo a security assessment by an IRAP assessor at least every 24 months.
Miscellaneous changes were made to rationale and recommendations throughout the publication to clarify content. This included the adoption of ‘control’ terminology, in preference to ‘security control’ terminology, to allow for the capture of other types of controls in the future, such as privacy controls, in addition to security controls.
In addition, formatting changes were made to the system security plan annex template and the cloud controls matrix template in order to increase their alignment, such as the inclusion of an ‘implementation status’ column within the system security plan annex template. Furthermore, a new ‘responsible entity’ column was added to both templates in order to capture information on the responsible system (in the case of inherited controls) or responsible vendor (in the case of multi-vendor systems) that are responsible for the implementation of controls. Note, this column can also be used to capture information on teams or individuals that are responsible for the implementation of controls if desired.
Jul 2020
Cloud service providers and their cloud services undergo a security assessment by an IRAP assessor at least every 24 months.
Security control 1570 was introduced to provide guidance on the frequency of security assessments by IRAP assessors for cloud service providers and their cloud services.