
If travelling overseas with mobile devices to high or extreme risk countries, personnel are: • issued with newly provisioned user accounts, mobile devices and removable media from a pool of dedicated travel devices which are used solely for work-related activities • advised on how to apply and inspect tamper seals to key areas of mobile devices • advised to avoid taking any personal mobile devices, especially if rooted or jailbroken.

Before travelling overseas with mobile devices
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Dec 2024
If travelling overseas with mobile devices to high or extreme risk countries, personnel are: • issued with newly provisioned user accounts, mobile devices and removable media from a pool of dedicated travel devices which are used solely for work-related activities • advised on how to apply and inspect tamper seals to key areas of mobile devices • advised to avoid taking any personal mobile devices, especially if rooted or jailbroken.
References to ‘accounts’ were changed to ‘user accounts’ in order to more closely match Microsoft Active Directory account types (i.e. ‘users’ and ‘computers’).
Oct 2019
If travelling overseas with mobile devices to high/extreme risk countries, personnel are: § issued with newly provisioned accounts and devices from a pool of dedicated travel devices which are used solely for work-related activities § advised on how to apply and inspect tamper seals to key areas of devices § advised to avoid taking any personal devices, especially if rooted or jailbroken.
Technical hardening measures for mobile devices being taken on overseas travel were split out of security control 1298 into security controls 1554 and 1555. In addition, content was updated to align with advice within the ACSC’s Travelling Overseas with Electronic Devices publication.