
System administrators for gateways undergo appropriate employment screening, and where necessary hold an appropriate security clearance, based on the sensitivity or classification of gateways.

System administrators for gateways
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Sep 2023
System administrators for gateways undergo appropriate employment screening, and where necessary hold an appropriate security clearance, based on the sensitivity or classification of gateways.
A minor grammatical change was made to the existing control on identifying suitable system administrators for gateways.
Mar 2022
System administrators for gateways undergo appropriate employment screening and, where necessary, hold an appropriate security clearance based on the sensitivity or classification of gateways.
Miscellaneous changes were made to rationale and recommendations throughout the publication to clarify content without changing intent. This included a review from the Guidelines for System Hardening chapter through to the Guidelines for Data Transfers chapter.
Nov 2018
All system administrators of gateways are cleared to access the highest level of information communicated or processed by the gateway.
Added to address a gap in guidance on the management of gateways.