
Backups of data, applications and settings are performed and retained in accordance with business criticality and business continuity requirements.

Performing and retaining backups
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Dec 2023
Backups of data, applications and settings are performed and retained in accordance with business criticality and business continuity requirements.
The existing control relating to performing backups of data, applications and settings with a frequency and retention timeframe in accordance with business continuity requirements was amended to reflect that the business criticality of data and applications should also be considered.
Dec 2022
Backups of important data, software and configuration settings are performed and retained with a frequency and retention timeframe in accordance with business continuity requirements.
Backup retention language associated with an existing control was amended to provide clarity of intent [ISM-1511]. This included the introduction of two new controls [ISM-1810, ISM-1811].
Nov 2018
Backups of important information, software and configuration settings are performed at least daily.
Added to address a gap in guidance on data backups.