The user accounts under which server applications run have limited access to their underlying server’s file system.
Restricting privileges for server applications
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Dec 2024
The user accounts under which server applications run have limited access to their underlying server’s file system.
References to ‘accounts’ were changed to ‘user accounts’ in order to more closely match Microsoft Active Directory account types (i.e. ‘users’ and ‘computers’).
Mar 2023
The accounts under which server applications run have limited access to their underlying server’s file system.
An existing control relating to DBMS software having limited access to non-essential areas of their underlying database server’s file system was expanded to cover all server applications having limited access to their underlying server’s file system.
The account under which DBMS software runs must have limited access to non-essentialareas of the database server’s file system.