If using degaussers to destroy media, degaussers evaluated by the United States’ National Security Agency are used.
Media destruction equipment
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Aug 2020
If using degaussers to destroy media, degaussers evaluated by the United States’ National Security Agency are used.
Security control 1160 was modified to remove reference to the National Cyber Security Centre’s list of certified degaussers.
Jul 2020
If using degaussers to destroy media, degaussers evaluated by the United States’ National Security Agency or certified by the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre are used.
Agencies must employ degaussers certified by the National Security Agency/Central SecurityService or the Government Communications Headquarters/Communications–ElectronicsSecurity Group for the purpose of degaussing media.
Agencies must employ degaussers certified by the National Security Agency/Central Security Service or theGovernment Communications Headquarters/Communications-Electronics Security Group for the purpose ofdegaussing media.