
Incoming emails that fail SPF checks are blocked or marked in a manner that is visible to the recipients.

Sender Policy Framework
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Sep 2022
The existing SPF control recommending that incoming emails that fail SPF checks be blocked or marked in a manner that is visible to recipients (ISM-1152) was replaced by a new DMARC control covering incoming emails being rejected if they do not pass DMARC checks (ISM-1799).
Mar 2019
Incoming emails that fail SPF checks are blocked or marked in a manner that is visible to the recipients.
Security control 1152 was reworded.
Feb 2019
Incoming emails that fail SPF checks are blocked, marked or identified in a manner that is visible to the email recipient.
Agencies must block, mark or identify incoming emails that fail SPF checks in a manner that isvisible to the email recipient.
Agencies should block, or mark as spam, incoming emails that fail SPF checks.