
Cable bundles or conduits sharing a common cable reticulation system have a dividing partition or visible gap between each cable bundle and conduit.

Common cable reticulation systems and conduits
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Mar 2023
Cable bundles or conduits sharing a common cable reticulation system have a dividing partition or visible gap between each cable bundle and conduit.
An existing control relating to common cable reticulation systems was amended to note that both cable bundles and conduits, when sharing a common cable reticulation system, need to have a dividing partition or visible gap between each cable bundle and conduit.
Mar 2021
Cable groups sharing a common cable reticulation system have a dividing partition or a visible gap between the cable groups.
Security control 1114 was amended to ensure consistency of terminology.
Jan 2021
Approved cable groups sharing a common reticulation system have a dividing partition or a visible gap between the differing cable groups.
Oct 2019
Approved cable groups sharing a common reticulation system have a dividing partition or a visible gap between the differing cable groups.
Security controls 1120, 1127 and 1128 were merged with security control 1114.
Sep 2019
In non-shared government facilities, approved cable groups sharing a common reticulation system have a dividing partition or a visible gap between the differing cable groups.
Approved cable groups can share a common reticulation system, but should have either adividing partition or a visible gap between the differing cable groups.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
Approved cable groups can share a common reticulation system but should have either adividing partition or a visible gap between the differing cable groups.
Approved cable groups can share a common reticulation system but should have either a dividing partitionor a visible gap between the differing cable groups.