
A NIDS or NIPS is deployed in gateways between an organisation’s networks and other networks they do not manage.

Using Network-based Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Mar 2022
A NIDS or NIPS is deployed in gateways between an organisation’s networks and other networks they do not manage.
Miscellaneous changes were made to rationale and recommendations throughout the publication to clarify content without changing intent. This included a review from the Guidelines for System Hardening chapter through to the Guidelines for Data Transfers chapter.
Aug 2020
NIDS or NIPS are deployed in all gateways between an organisation’s networks and other networks they do not manage.
Security control 1028 was modified slightly.
Jul 2020
NIDS or NIPS are deployed in all gateways between an organisation’s networks and other networks they do not manage, including public network infrastructure.
NIDS/NIPS should be deployed in all gateways between agency networks and other networksthey do not manage.
It is recommended agencies locate IDSs in the gateway environment, immediately inside theoutermost firewall.