
Event logs, excluding those for Domain Name System services and web proxies, are retained for at least seven years.

Event log retention
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Dec 2024
The existing control recommending that event logs, excluding those for Domain Name System services and web proxies, are retained for at least seven years was rescinded.
Mar 2023
Event logs, excluding those for Domain Name System services and web proxies, are retained for at least seven years.
An existing control relating to the retention period for ‘event logs’ was reworded to avoid conflicting with another control [ISM-0991] relating to the retention period for ‘DNS service and web proxy event logs’.
Jan 2020
Event logs are retained for a minimum of 7 years in accordance with the National Archives of Australia’s Administrative Functions Disposal Authority Express Version 2 publication.
Security control 0859 was modified to use the correct title for the National Archives of Australia’s Administrative Functions Disposal Authority Express Version 2 publication.
Dec 2019
Event logs are retained for a minimum of 7 years in accordance with the National Archives of Australia’s Administrative Functions Disposal Authority publication.
Agencies must retain event logs for a minimum of 7 years after action is completed inaccordance with the NAA’s Administrative Functions Disposal Authority.
Event logs must be archived and retained for an appropriate period as determined by the agency.