
Personnel are advised of security risks associated with posting personal information to online services and are encouraged to use any available privacy settings to restrict who can view such information.

Posting personal information to online services
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Oct 2019
Personnel are advised of security risks associated with posting personal information to online services and are encouraged to use any available privacy settings to restrict who can view such information.
Security control 0821 was reworded to note that personnel can’t be forced to make their social media profiles private.
Sep 2019
Personnel are advised of security risks associated with posting personal information to online services and, where possible, to restrict access to only those they have authorised to view it.
Agencies should ensure that personnel are informed of the security risks associated withposting personal information on websites, especially for those personnel holding higher levelsecurity clearances.
Agencies should ensure that personnel are informed of the security risks associated with posting personalinformation on websites, especially for those personnel holding higher level security clearances.