
For gateways between networks belonging to different security domains, any shared components are managed by system administrators for the higher security domain or by system administrators from a mutually agreed upon third party.

System administration of gateways
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Dec 2023
For gateways between networks belonging to different security domains, any shared components are managed by system administrators for the higher security domain or by system administrators from a mutually agreed upon third party.
The existing control relating to system administration activities for gateways between networks belonging to different security domains was reworded.
Mar 2022
For gateways between networks belonging to different security domains, any shared components are managed by system administrators for the higher security domain or by system administrators from a mutually-agreed third party.
Miscellaneous changes were made to rationale and recommendations throughout the publication to clarify content without changing intent. This included a review from the Guidelines for System Hardening chapter through to the Guidelines for Data Transfers chapter.
For gateways between networks in different security domains, any shared components must bemanaged by the system owners of the highest security domain or by a mutually agreed party.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
For gateways between networks in different security domains, any shared components mustbe managed by the system owners of the highest security domain or by a mutually agreedparty.
For gateways between networks in different security domains, any shared components must be managed bythe system owners of the highest security domain or by a mutually agreed party.
For gateways between networks of different classifications, any shared components must be managed by the information owners of the more highly classified network.