When introducing additional connectivity to a CDS, such as adding a new gateway to a common network, the ACSC is consulted on the impact to the security of the CDS; and directions provided by the ACSC are complied with.
Consultation when implementing or modifying a Cross Domain Solution
Applicable to
Secret, Top Secret
Mar 2022
The recommendation to contact the ACSC when introducing additional connectivity to Cross Domain Solutions (ISM-0627) was merged into the recommendation to contact the ACSC when designing and deploying Cross Domain Solutions (ISM-0597).
Agencies introducing additional connectivity to a CDS, such as adding a new gateway to acommon network, must consult with ASD Technical Assessments on the impact to the securityof the CDS and comply with all directions provided.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
Agencies connecting a typical gateway and a CDS to a common network must consult withASD Technical Assessments on the impact to the security of the CDS and comply with alldirections provided.
Agencies connecting a typical gateway and a cross domain solution to a common network must consultwith DSD on the impact to the security of the cross domain solution and comply with all directions provided.
When agencies have cascaded connections between networks involving multiple gateways they must ensure that the assurance levels specified for network devices between the lowest and highest classified networks are met by at least one of the gateways within the cascaded connection.