Email servers are configured to block, log and report emails with inappropriate protective markings.
Handling emails with inappropriate, invalid or missing protective markings
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Mar 2019
Email servers are configured to block, log and report emails with inappropriate protective markings.
Security controls 1368, 0563, 0564, and 0566 were merged with security control 0565. Security control 0565 was reworded.
Feb 2019
Email systems are configured to reject, log and report inbound emails with protective markings indicating that the content of the email exceeds the sensitivity or classification of the receiving system.
Agencies must configure email systems to reject, log and report inbound emails withprotective markings indicating that the content of the email exceeds the sensitivity orclassification of the receiving system.
Agencies must configure email systems to reject, log and report inbound emails with protective markingsindicating that the content of the email exceeds the accreditation of the receiving system.
Agencies should configure email systems to reject and log inbound emails with protective markings indicating that the content of the email exceeds the ICT security accreditation of the receiving system.