IP telephony is configured such that: • IP phones authenticate themselves to the call controller upon registration • auto-registration is disabled and only authorised devices are allowed to access the network • unauthorised devices are blocked by default • all unused and prohibited functionality is disabled.
Video conferencing unit and Internet Protocol phone authentication
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Oct 2019
IP telephony is configured such that:
§ IP phones authenticate themselves to the call controller upon registration
§ auto-registration is disabled and only a whitelist of authorised devices is allowed to access the network
§ unauthorised devices are blocked by default
§ all unused and prohibited functionality is disabled.
Security control 0552 was merged with security control 0551.
Sep 2019
IP telephony is configured such that:
§ IP phones authenticate themselves to the call controller upon registration
§ auto-registration is disabled and only a whitelist of authorised devices is allowed to access the network
§ unauthorised devices are blocked by default
§ all unused and prohibited functionality is disabled.
IP telephony should be configured such that:• IP phones authenticate themselves to the call controller upon registration• auto-registration is disabled and only a whitelist of authorised devices are allowed to accessthe network• unauthorised devices are blocked by default• all unused and prohibited functionality is disabled.
Agencies should:••••configure VoIP phones to authenticate themselves to the call controller upon registrationdisable phone auto-registration and only allow a whitelist of authorised devices to access the networkblock unauthorised devices by defaultdisable all unused and prohibited functionality.
Agencies should: a. configure Internet Protocol phones to authenticate themselves to the call controller upon registration b. disable phone auto-registration and only allow a whitelist of authorised devices to access the network c. block unauthorised devices by default d. disable all unused functionality such as speakerphones, universal serial bus ports, management interfaces etc.