
Network documentation includes high-level network diagrams showing all connections into networks and logical network diagrams showing all critical servers, high-value servers, network devices and network security appliances.

Network documentation
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Mar 2022
Network documentation includes high-level network diagrams showing all connections into networks and logical network diagrams showing all critical servers, high-value servers, network devices and network security appliances.
Miscellaneous changes were made to rationale and recommendations throughout the publication to clarify content without changing intent. This included a review from the Guidelines for System Hardening chapter through to the Guidelines for Data Transfers chapter.
Network documentation must include:• a high-level network diagram showing all connections into the network• a logical network diagram showing all network devices, critical servers and services• the configuration of network devices.
For each network an agency must have:• a high-level diagram showing all connections into the network• a logical network diagram showing all network devices.
For each network an agency manages they must have: a. a high level diagram showing all connections into the network b. a logical network diagram showing all network devices.