When SSH-agent or similar key caching programs are used, it is limited to workstations and servers with screen locks and key caches that are set to expire within four hours of inactivity.
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Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Mar 2022
When SSH-agent or similar key caching programs are used, it is limited to workstations and servers with screen locks and key caches that are set to expire within four hours of inactivity.
Miscellaneous changes were made to rationale and recommendations throughout the publication to clarify content without changing intent. This included a review from the Guidelines for System Hardening chapter through to the Guidelines for Data Transfers chapter.
Agencies that use SSH-agent or other similar key caching programs should:• only use the software on workstations and servers with screen locks• ensure that the key cache expires within four hours of inactivity• ensure that agent credential forwarding is used when SSH traversal is needed.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
Agencies that use SSH–agent or other similar key caching programs should:• only use the software on workstation and servers with screen locks• ensure that the key cache expires within four hours of inactivity• ensure that agent credential forwarding is used when SSH traversal is needed.
Agencies that use SSH-agent or other similar key caching programs should:• only use the software on workstation and servers with screen locks• ensure the key cache expires within four hours of inactivity• ensure agent credential forwarding is used when multiple SSH transversal is needed.
Agencies that use SSH-agent or other similar key caching programs should: a. only use the software on workstation and servers with screenlocks b. ensure that the key cache expires within four hours of inactivity c. ensure agent credential forwarding is used when multiple SSH transversal is needed.