
When using ECDSA for digital signatures, a base point order and key size of at least 224 bits is used, preferably the P-384 curve.

Using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected


Dec 2024
When using ECDSA for digital signatures, a base point order and key size of at least 224 bits is used, preferably the P-384 curve.
The existing control recommending that when using ECDSA for digital signatures, a base point order and key size of at least 224 bits is used, preferably the P-384 curve was extended to the protection of non-classified data.
Mar 2022
When using ECDSA for digital signatures, a base point order and key size of at least 224 bits is used, preferably the P-384 curve.
While existing recommendations for the use of ASD-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms to protect OFFICIAL through to PROTECTED data addressed minimum key lengths, they didn’t address recommended key lengths.
Dec 2020
When using ECDSA for digital signatures, a base point order and key size of at least 224 bits is used.
Security control 0475 was amended to remove references to a field/key size of 160 bits.
Nov 2020
When using ECDSA for digital signatures, a field/key size of at least 160 bits, preferably 256 bits, is used.
Agencies using ECDSA for the approved use of digital signatures must use a field/key size ofat least 160 bits.
Agencies using ECDSA, for the approved use of digital signatures, must use a field/key size of at least160 bits.
Agencies using ECDSA, for the approved use of digital signatures, must use a field/ key size of at least 160 bits.