Foreign nationals, including seconded foreign nationals, do not have privileged access to systems that process, store or communicate AUSTEO or REL data.
Privileged access to systems by foreign nationals
Applicable to
Secret, Top Secret
must not
Sep 2020
Foreign nationals, including seconded foreign nationals, do not have privileged access to systems that process, store or communicate AUSTEO or REL information.
Security control 0446 was amended to include REL information.
Aug 2020
Foreign nationals, including seconded foreign nationals, do not have privileged access to systems that process, store or communicate AUSTEO information.
Aug 2019
Foreign nationals, including seconded foreign nationals, do not have privileged access to systems that process, store or communicate AUSTEO information.
Security controls 0446 and 0447 were modified to use consistent language with security controls 0409 and 0411.
Jul 2019
Foreign nationals, including seconded foreign nationals, do not have privileged access to AUSTEO systems.
Agencies must not allow foreign nationals, including seconded foreign nationals, to haveprivileged access to systems that process, store or communicate AUSTEO information.
Agencies must not allow foreign nationals, including seconded foreign nationals, to have privileged access tosystems that process, store or communicate AUSTEO information.
Agencies must not allow foreign nationals to have privileged access to systems that process, store or communicate unprotected AUSTEO information.