
Physical credentials are kept separate from systems they are used to authenticate to, except for when performing authentication activities.

Protecting credentials
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


must not
Dec 2024
Physical credentials are kept separate from systems they are used to authenticate to, except for when performing authentication activities.
The existing control recommending that credentials are kept separate from systems they are used to authenticate to, except for when performing authentication activities was amended to reflect that the control relates to physical credentials, such as written down memorised secrets, security keys, smart cards and one-time password tokens.
Dec 2022
Credentials are kept separate from systems they are used to authenticate to, except for when performing authentication activities.
The existing control relating to storing physical credentials separately from systems that they are used to authenticate to was reworded to remove confusing ‘physical credential’ language and clarify that ‘devices that store or generate credentials’ can still be connected to systems when performing authentication activities.
Mar 2022
Physical credentials are stored separately from systems to which they grant access.
Due to perceptions that this recommendation prevented the use of password managers and hardware security modules, it was amended to refer to physical credentials being stored with systems.
Oct 2019
Credentials are stored separately from systems to which they grant access.
Security control 0418 was modified slightly.
Sep 2019
Authentication information is stored separately from a system to which it grants access.
Authentication information must be stored separately from a system to which it grants access.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
Authentication information must be stored separately to a system to which it grants access.
Agencies must not allow storage of unprotected authentication information that grants system access ordecrypts an encrypted device, to be located on, or with, the system or device to which the authenticationinformation grants access.
Agencies must not allow storage of unprotected authentication information that grants system access, or decrypts an encrypted device, to be located on, or with the system or device, to which the authentication information grants access.