
A secure record is maintained for the life of each system covering the following for each user:
• their user identification
• their signed agreement to abide by usage policies for the system and its resources
• who provided authorisation for their access
• when their access was granted
• the level of access that they were granted
• when their access, and their level of access, was last reviewed
• when their level of access was changed, and to what extent (if applicable)
• when their access was withdrawn (if applicable)."

Recording authorisation for personnel to access systems
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Sep 2023
A secure record is maintained for the life of each system covering the following for each user: • their user identification • their signed agreement to abide by usage policies for the system and its resources • who provided authorisation for their access • when their access was granted • the level of access that they were granted • when their access, and their level of access, was last reviewed • when their level of access was changed, and to what extent (if applicable) • when their access was withdrawn (if applicable).
The existing control relating to maintaining a secure record of authorisations for personnel to access systems was amended to include the retention of signed copies of agreements by personnel to abide by system usage policies.
Agencies should:• maintain a secure record of:– all personnel authorised to access a system– their user identification– who provided the authorisation to access the system– when the authorisation was granted– when the access was last reviewed– when the access was removed.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
Agencies should:• maintain a secure record of:– all personnel authorised to a system– their user identification– who provided the authorisation to access the system– when the authorisation was granted– when the access was reviewed– when the access was removed.
Agencies should:• maintain a secure record of:– all authorised system users– their user identification– who provided the authorisation to access the system– when the authorisation was granted• maintain the record for the life of the system to which access is granted.
Agencies should: a. maintain a secure record of: 1) all authorised system users 2) their user identification 3) who provided the authorisation to access the system 4) when the authorisation was granted b. maintain the record for the life of the system to which access is granted.