Media, with the exception of internally mounted fixed media within information technology equipment, is labelled with protective markings reflecting its sensitivity or classification.
Labelling media
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Jun 2024
Media, with the exception of internally mounted fixed media within information technology equipment, is labelled with protective markings reflecting its sensitivity or classification.
References to ICT equipment were amended to IT equipment.
Agencies should label media with a marking that indicates the sensitivity or classificationapplicable to the information it stores; unless it is internally mounted fixed media and the ICTequipment containing the media is labelled.
Agencies should label media with a marking that indicates the maximum classification and set of caveatsapplicable to the information it stores; unless it is internally mounted fixed media and the ICT equipmentcontaining the media is labelled.
Agencies should label media with a protective marking that indicates the maximum classification and set of caveats applicable to the information it stores.