If an appropriately cleared technician is not used to undertake maintenance or repairs of IT equipment, the IT equipment and associated media is sanitised before maintenance or repair work is undertaken.
On-site maintenance and repairs
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Jun 2024
If an appropriately cleared technician is not used to undertake maintenance or repairs of IT equipment, the IT equipment and associated media is sanitised before maintenance or repair work is undertaken.
References to ICT equipment were amended to IT equipment.
Sep 2023
If an appropriately cleared technician is not used to undertake maintenance or repairs of ICT equipment, the ICT equipment and associated media is sanitised before maintenance or repair work is undertaken.
The existing controls relating to on-site maintenance and repairs of ICT equipment by uncleared technicians were amended to instead reference technicians that are not appropriately cleared (i.e. they either hold no security clearance or a security clearance lower than what is required).
If an uncleared technician is used to undertake maintenance or repairs of ICT equipment,agencies should sanitise and reclassify or declassify the equipment and associated mediabefore maintenance or repair work is undertaken.
If an uncleared technician is used to undertake maintenance or repairs of ICT equipment, agencies shouldsanitise and reclassify or declassify the equipment and associated media before maintenance or repair workis undertaken.
Agencies should sanitise and re-classify or de-classify hardware products and associated media before maintenance or repair work is undertaken by an uncleared technician.