IT equipment is classified based on the highest sensitivity or classification of data that it is approved for processing, storing or communicating.
Classifying IT equipment
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret
Jun 2024
IT equipment is classified based on the highest sensitivity or classification of data that it is approved for processing, storing or communicating.
References to ICT equipment were amended to IT equipment.
Agencies must classify ICT equipment based on the sensitivity or classification of informationfor which the equipment and any associated media in the equipment are approved forprocessing, storing or communicating.
Agencies must classify ICT equipment based on the highest classification of information for which theequipment and any associated media in the equipment are approved for processing, storing or communicating.
Agencies must classify hardware products based on the highest level of information the hardware and any associated media within the hardware, are approved for processing, storing or communicating.