
If procuring an evaluated product, a product that has completed a PP-based evaluation, including against all applicable PP modules, is selected in preference to one that has completed an EAL-based evaluation.

Evaluated product selection
Applicable to
Non Classified, Official, Protected, Secret, Top Secret


Mar 2023
If procuring an evaluated product, a product that has completed a PP-based evaluation, including against all applicable PP modules, is selected in preference to one that has completed an EAL-based evaluation.
An existing control relating to the selection of products that have ‘completed a PP-based evaluation’, in preference to those that have ‘completed an EAL-based evaluation’, was amended to ‘completed a PP-based evaluation, including against all applicable PP modules,’.
Sep 2019
If procuring an evaluated product, a product that has completed a PP-based evaluation is selected in preference to one that has completed an EAL-based evaluation.
Security control 0280 was updated to refer to ‘PP-based evaluations’.
Aug 2019
If procuring an evaluated product, a product that has completed a protection profile evaluation is selected in preference to one that has completed an EAL-based evaluation.
Agencies must select a product with the required security functionality that has completed aProtection Profile evaluation in preference to one that has completed an EAL–based evaluation.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
Agencies must select a product with the required security functionality that has completeda Protection Profile evaluation in preference to one that has completed an EAL–basedevaluation.
Agencies must select products in the following order of preference:• products which have completed an evaluation through the AISEP or recognised under the CommonCriteria Recognition Arrangement, a high assurance evaluation by DSD, or another DSD approvedevaluation• products in evaluation in the AISEP or DSD• products in evaluation in a scheme where the outcome will be recognised by DSD when the evaluation iscompleted; then• products that have not completed any evaluation.
Agencies should select products in the following order of preference: a. products having completed a Common Criteria evaluation through the AISEP, a Common Criteria evaluation covered under the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement, a high grade evaluation or other DSD approved evaluation b. products in evaluation in the AISEP or DSD c. products in evaluation in a scheme or program that DSD has a recognition agreement with, and will be recognised under the agreement when evaluation is completed d. products that have had no formally recognised evaluation.