

Nov 2018
Removed due to being replaced by a new section focused on daily backups as per the associated Essential Eight mitigation strategy.
Agencies must:• back up all information identified as critical to their business• store backups of critical information, with associated documented recovery procedures,at a remote location secured in accordance with the requirements for the sensitivity orclassification of the information• test backup and restoration processes regularly to confirm their effectiveness• ensure that backups cannot be maliciously modified/corrupted or deleted withoutappropriate authorisation.
Control Text Changed. No public explaination.
Agencies must:• back up all information identified as critical to their business• store backups of critical information, with associated documented recovery procedures,at a remote location secured in accordance with the requirements for the sensitivity orclassification of the information• test backup and restoration processes regularly to confirm their effectiveness.
Agencies should:• back up all information identified as critical to their business• store backups of critical information, with associated documented recovery procedures, at a remotelocation secured in accordance with the requirements for the highest classification of the information• test backup and restoration processes regularly to confirm their effectiveness.
Agencies should: a. backup all information identified as critical to their business b. store backups of critical information, with associated documented recovery procedures, at a remote location secured in accordance with the requirements for the classification of the information c. test backup and restoration processes regularly to confirm their effectiveness.